Association of Voluntary Service
AMICI DI PADRE ALDO ODV Via Puglie, 7 31100 Treviso Fax 0422 260629 Cell. 3293550882 C.F. 94170320264 e-mail: [email protected] |
The aim is to pursue sole purpose of social solidarity with the objectives:
to inform and to raise awareness about the reality and the problems of developing countries; to promote initiatives in favor of populations and territories in situations of need; to cooperate and to promote the knowledge and the awareness of peoples and realities of developing countries, proposing also to support their development starting from the territories of Kenya, where Father Aldo Vettore operated; to collect all kinds of resources to support projects and activities of the Community Samburu in Kenya in which Father Aldo Vettori operated (the mission is located north of Kenya at 2070 meters above sea level near the town of Maralal and covers 15 centers within a radius of 50 sq km); to cooperate with the Mission founded by Father Aldo for the progress of the tribes in Samburu district of northern Kenya; to raise funds, including through the adoption of the formula at a distance, to support the education of children of the communities where the right to education is not guaranteed; to support volunteers, including members of the association, who go abroad for initiatives of cooperation and solidarity. Currently we operate in Kenya, Peru, Bangladesh, Ukraine and in the Palestinian Territories (in Bethlehem). |